I Bought a Rainforest

Did anyone see the programme “I Bought a Rainforest” yesterday night?  Crazy stuff.   Produced in partnership with the Open University it follows the wildlife photographer Charlie Hamilton James, as he buys 100 acres of Peruvian Rainforest, in the hope that he can help reduce the high rate of illegal logging and rainforest destruction in the area.


As is proved, above idea is a tad naive and not a sensible solution to the deforestation problem BUT to be honest I think the series is still worth watching.  CHJ explores a variety of issues facing the Amazonian area including poverty, the extinction of unique species and the drug trade.

He also touches on how we, in the “West” are linked to these Amazonian challenges from our demand for products such as timber and gold to the wider issue of global climate change – food for thought, and Open University have some cool free resources relating to all the above, which are interesting.

It may not be the depths of Peru but I had my own little UK wildlife adventure last week.  On the most beautiful afternoon, in the middle of a deer park in Kent, this little fellow came and sat on my finger not once but twice..becoming more in harmony with nature as each day passes!


And check out these awesome guys doing their park proud…


As well as deer watching I was really excited to host a little gathering, for old school friends, at the weekend.  The sun came out and a gazebo went up.


And then there was a lot of catching up to be done 🙂



Have a sunny week all.